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Social Media: Imprisoning Teens’ Minds?

Many people in this day and age, especially young people, are social media geeks. Many of the older generation shame us, saying we do not know how to verbally interact because of the internet, that we are all glued to our smartphone screens and that we should be giving things like Instagram a break. However many social media users do not agree with this statement, saying that the internet has helped them to understand people better, and helped them to meet new friends with the same interests.

The internet powers and hosts millions of different users and although many do abuse the power of social media, using it to cyber bully and troll people, most people are grateful for having such an amazing privilege.

Whether you use social media to post photos of you and your friends, to connect with people from the other side of the world, or even to be active in an amazing fandom, your life these days does revolve around the internet, and many see this as something negative.

There have been thousands of people who say that teenagers and young people spend their lives thinking about their next tweet, Instagram post, or even YouTube video, and forget about their personal lives. Countless parents and teachers have reported that when taking teenagers on day trips to the museum, instead of being enthralled by the historical story and beauty of the objects on display, they have been more interested in getting a selfie with that particular object. However, many people forget, when making these accusations, that this is how their generation have brought those teenagers up to be.

My good friend Olivia, who I did indeed meet through social media, told me that, “I love social media especially things such as Instagram or YouTube because it has countless benefits. For me it is a place of freedom where you can share anything you want, if you’re passionate about something. For example you can instantly hear people’s feedback and be able to connect with someone with the same interests. I think it is a creative platform for people to feel inspired and safe. I also enjoy things such as YouTube for entertainment purposes - you can pretty much find a video on anything, whether it’s informing, making you smile or laugh or even sad you can choose.”

The internet has millions of different uses, and without it many would be lost. Although many do think mostly about getting the best Instagram pictures they possibly can, others are more interested in connecting with a fandom, and using the internet’s amazing power to meet hundreds of new people with whom they share a connection. And adults, just think, would you be doing your current job right know without the internet? What if online job searchers and LinkedIn didn’t exist? I didn’t think so.

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